Monday, April 29, 2013

Brief update--the passing of Oscar Cabello

I haven't written much of late. Between a hectic schedule and a feeling of helplessness/uselessness it hardly seems worth the time. That's not to say that important matters have not arisen.

Among those is the recent passing of my friend Oscar Cabello. Those of you that have read Contrabando should remember the name.

I knew Oscar too well to lionize him at this point. He was great beyond the norm and yet, a flawed man, nonetheless.

What I will say is that when I looked into his eyes, we communicated without words. I knew his thoughts; he knew mine.

I call him brother.

I look forward to joining Oscar on the other side someday. In the meantime, there's a void left in this world no one man is going to fill.

Time to step up.

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